Raising My Voice Foundation

*please note, information will be coming soon regarding provision and referrals*
Office number: 0737 63 48 663


Whistleblowing and Advocacy.

Putting your head above the parapet can feel frightening and lonely – but you don’t need to do it alone. Whether you’ve witnessed wrongdoing in the workplace, or you’re personally dealing with a legal or social care challenge, we can offer free advice, support and, where appropriate, advocate on your behalf.

We understand that taking that first step is daunting  – we hear you because we’ve been there. Our founder, Nevres Kemal, blew the whistle on Haringey Council prior to Baby P’s tragic death. It was a brave and difficult thing to do, but, ultimately, something Nevres couldn’t stay silent about.

With this in mind, we want to make sure that anyone considering speaking out has the appropriate support and guidance to do so. If that’s you, please reach out to us as soon as possible.  

Our social care and legal expertise, combined with our experience in supporting survivors of domestic abuse, means that we are also well-placed to support women who are dealing with the impact of leaving an abusive partner or the implications of social care matters such as child contact orders.

We will listen, advise, challenge, support, advocate and signpost – but we will never judge.

If you think we can help, pick up the phone and call us in confidence on 0737 63 48 663.

First met Nevres Kemal through my support worker in summer 2021. On that day I told her my story and we clicked straight away and from day 1 she supported me with all my needs, given me advice and motivation to keep going. Also, I knew if need and support or advise I could phone her.

Leave a legacy

If you are interested in leaving a legacy for RMVF, please complete the form below and we’ll get right back to you.


If you are interested in fundraising for RMVF, please complete the form below and we’ll get right back to you.

Corporate giving

If you are interested in corporate giving for RMVF, please complete the form below and we’ll get right back to you.


If you are interested in mentoring for RMVF, please complete the form below and we’ll get right back to you.

Become a volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering for RMVF, please complete the form below and we’ll get right back to you.

Make a Donation

A small donation can go a long way.

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